Keke Zhai's Homepage

About Me

Keke Zhai is a Ph.D. student at CISE (Department of Computer and Information Science and Engineering), University of Florida. Her advisor is Prof. Sanjay Ranka. Her research interest is high performance computing. The main focus is on the dynamic load balancing in high performance computing. She received B.E. in Intelligent Science and Technology in 2015 from Sun Yat-sen University, China.


Dynamic Load Balancing for Compressible Multiphase Turbulence
Keke Zhai, Tania Banerjee, David Zwick, Jason Hackl, and Sanjay Ranka
In ICS ’18: International Conference on Supercomputing, June 12–15, 2018, Beijing, China


Twitter Clone Implementation and Simulation using Elixir, [Link]
Implemented both web-based and websocket-based API for Twitter
Wrote simulators acting as clients to test and interact with server
Support 400+ clients active in the same time in Twitter Clone website

Bitcoin Mining in Distributed Operating System, [Link]
Generated “bitcoins” having a given number of leading 0’s using SHA-256 cryptographic hash function in Elixir
Utilized Actor model to make multiple workers work simultaneously and send the “bitcoins” back to server

Movie Recommendation Web System using SQL
Designed the Oracle Database table schema
Wrote complex SQL to analysis and find interesting relationship among data
Dealt with 50K+ movies data and 1M+ other related data such as actor information crawled from IMDB



Introduction to Data Science

Computer Networks

Database Management System

Analysis of algorithm

UX design

Advanced data structure

Software test and verification

Distributed operating system

Math intelligent system

Machine Learning

Teaching Assistant

COT 5615 - Math for Intelligent Systems 2018 Fall


CIS/CEN 4914 - Senior Project 2018 Fall

COP 5725 - Database Management System 2017 Spring

COP 5302 - Program Fundamentals 2016 Fall

COP 3275 - Computer Programming Using C 2016 Spring

COP 3530 - Data Structures and Algorithms 2015 Fall